
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Criminal Administrator’s Responsibilities

Administrative functions and responsibilities cover a wide spectrum of concerns relating to workers employee uprights. Corollary, the radical rights of employees guaranteed by the constitution and other statutes underlie the duties and responsibilities of a criminal legal expert administrator. With regards to drug testing, the criminal justice administrator should establish guidelines clarifying purposes and procedures administration the testing for drugs and alcohol based on reasonableness of purpose and scope, or when there is a special need that outweighs the one-on-ones silence interest (The topic Worksrights Institute).The administrator should therefore institute a written policy which identifies the particular proposition positions subject to testing, the manner in which the testing will be administered, the right of an employee to refuse to be tested and the consequences of refusing, the disciplinary or other follow through which may result from a test, and the rights of a person with attentiveness to retesting and appeal.Relating to privacy rights, the criminal justice administrator should see to it that clear guidelines are in place to respect an employees reasonable expectation of privacy in his desk, file cabinets, and office, and enforce procedures in making reasonable intrusions into those zones of privacy (OConnor v. Ortega, 107 S. Ct. 1492, 1987). In this modern era of digital technology, the criminal justice administrator essential establish policies and protocols including proper monitoring practices to respect the privacy rights of employees.You can interpret also King v CogdonThe administrator should match that mechanisms are in place to provide clear written notification of their right and objective to randomly monitor, read and intercept data from workplace computer networks and terminals (The electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986). Addition altogethery, the administrator mustiness issue guidelines to ensure confidenti ality of medical information and all medical data related to the employees health, diagnosis and treatment of illness or any information revealed during medical consultations (American with Disabilities Act of 1990).With regards to sexual harassment issues, the administrator must drive all steps necessity to prevent sexual harassment from occurring, such as affirmatively raising the subject, expressing strong disapproval, developing appropriate sanctions, informing employees of their right to move on and how to raise the issue of harassment and developing methods to sensitize all concerned. As such, the administrator must implement an effective sexual harassment check program founded on an explicit policy against sexual harassment that is all the way and regularly communicated to employees and effectively implemented.The administrator should see to it that a procedure for resolving power sexual harassment complaints and to encourage victims to file complaints is in place. Thus , the administrator should take immediate and appropriate corrective action by doing whatever is necessary to end the harassment, make the victim whole by restoring lost drill benefits or opportunities, and prevent the misconduct from recurring. (U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1990).Concerning disablement issues, the criminal justice administrator should formulate policies and guidelines that shall not discriminate against a qualified individual with a disability because of the disability of such individual in regard to chisel application procedures, the hiring, advancement, or discharge of employees, employee compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment. (Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 102). As such, he must impose standards, criteria, or methods of administration or administrative control that respect the rights of persons with disabilities.

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